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7 Day FREE Introductory DTO Training 

Learn how to start switching off your negative memories in just 10 minutes a day 


Price - 100% FREE 


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Jonathan shaw is the Creator of the DTO system and founder of the DTO Academy. It is his mission to teach everyone to take control of their own thoughts and emotions so they can heal their own minds and bodies naturally 


This FREE 7 day introductory training is a basic introduction to the simple yet powerful NEW SYSTEM that shows anyone how to switch off negative thoughts and feelings easily and powerfully 

Who Is This For?

This FREE 7 day introductory DTO training is open to anyone of any age who ants to learn how to heal, release, change or switch off your negative thoughts and feelings about your past memories 

Course Requirements

Because this is the first training in the DTO system there are NO REQUIREMENTS or previous knowledge needed. This course is open to anyone who wants to learn 


I am going to keep this simple. DTO works.
To give you one little personal example: I had a phobia of sharks so bad that even a kids t shirt with a cartoon shark would terrify me. Last week on my birthday I walked through a shark tunnel at an aquarium and I enjoyed it! I did not even work on this with Jonathan - I used DTO as I was taught. Enjoy the process...
The only negative side effect: you might get a bit angry that you have had bad emotions for a while when really there was no reason! But thats okay. You can switch that thought off using DTO.

Johana Hansen

The DTO system focuses on clearing the beliefs formed within memories rather than on the clearing of memories themselves - rather like removing an unwanted plant from the roots, rather than at the stem. It then, very simply, replaces it with the desired "Opposite, or better" belief - the wanted flower, shrub or tree

Amanda Maney

After about 3 or 4 sessions I began living my life again. I would wake up and feel free, energetic, and happy even. I managed to start working again, I found myself enjoying things more, I felt more like myself with every session. The depression didn’t have control over me anymore

Hayley Neal

Whats Included

In this FREE training you will get 9 bitesize videos, Downloadable PDF,

A Private group where you can ask your questions all in a private membership that you can access from any device where ever you are. 

9 bitesize videos over 7 days walking you through the basic DTO process 

Downloadable PDF of the 4 steps to print out or save on your mobile device

A private group just for the training so you can ask jonathan or the other members any questions you may have 

Complete private access to all materials in a secure membership area 

Access on all  mobile devices any where and any time you have wifi.


 what Your going to learn

Video Lessons

Day 1 - Why Learn DTO? 

DISCOVER : why you should learn DTO why its important to take control of your thoughts and emotions and how it can help us to improve our lives

Day 2 - stop Trying To Understand 

REVEALED : why understanding your problems will actually make you worse 

Day 3 - DTO Model of the Brain

DISCOVER : the simple understanding of the brain that will make it 10x easier to solve your negative thoughts and feelings 

Day 4 - Basic DTO Clearing Steps

LEARN : The 4 simple steps that switch off any negative thoughts and feelings 

Day 5 - Next Steps 

REVEALED : how to check your clearing is working 

Day 6 - Daily DTO

LEARN : How to apply DTO on a daily basis so you can start improving your life 

Day 7 - Advanced Exercise

DISCOVER : An advanced exercise to take your clearing to a deeper level and move you forwards in your clearing journey 


As I say a lot I believe if everyone learnt to take care of their negative thoughts and emotions  the world would be a more happier and peaceful place. So I want to give everyone the opportunity to learn the DTO system and see just how simple and amazing it is and how easy it is to take control of their own thoughts and emotions 

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